Plan zur Herstellung spezialisierter Sattelauflieger und Anhänger.

How a cistern is born
Bevor das erste Detail des Straßenfahrzeugs hergestellt wird, bevor die Montagearbeiten am Anhänger beginnen, wird der Tanklastwagen von den Spezialisten des Konstruktionsabteilungs erstellt. Sie zeichnen sorgfältig jedes Detail, jede Montageeinheit unter Berücksichtigung der Materialeigenschaften, der Belastung, der Betriebsbedingungen und der Kundenspezifikationen sowie zwangsläufig des äußeren Erscheinungsbilds.
The tanker’s assembly begins with the fact that the metal sheet, on the four roller machine, is formed into a cylinder. One cylinder is made from one metal sheet.
As soon as a number of shells is produced,the shells are welded together and form the cylinder of the reservoire.
The next step in the process of the tanker creation is welding of the bottoms and fasteners to the vessel.
After that, it is the stage of welding the attachments’elements to the road tanker.
It is to be admitted, on the road tankers with thermal housing, the insulation is installed.
After the welding works are finished, the tanker is sent to the shot blasting chamber for getting cleaned from the rolling scale and being given the necessary roughness for the subsequent painting works.
As soon as the preparatory works are over, the tanker is moved to the preparatory or painting chamber, where, in accordance with the painting technology, the necessary work is performed. In order to assure high-quality painting works, Everlast plant has built a new painting and drying chamber that meets all the European standards.
Within the final stage, the assembly, the installation of all attachments and hinged tools.
Before being commissioned to the client, the ready road tanker passes a cycle of adjustments, settings and tests, applied to both the installed equipment as well as the road vehicle as a whole.