CO2 gas semi-trailer
22/26 m³
ADR tanker code
2.0 MPa
Operating pressure

Technische Daten
- ADR tanker code: P26BN
- Geometric volume: 22/25 m
- Bottom, casing material: high-strength steel R355 or its analogue
- Operating pressure: 2.0 MPa
- Test pressure - 2.6 MPa
- Design temperature: from - 40 °С up to + 50 °С
- Thermal housing
- Axles: BPW/SAF, 3 x 9 tons, air suspension, disc brakes
- Frame: steel subframe
- Brake system: WABCO, 4S/2M, ABS/EBS/RSS
Loading and unloading system
- Unloading equipment is located in toolbox
- Liquid phase bottom pneumatic valve DN65, Rego/Fisher/Cavagna
- Gas phase bottom pneumatic valve DN50, Rego/Fisher/Cavagna
- Liquid phase back-flow valve
- Liquid phase unloading shut-off ball cock DN50
- Liquid phase loading shut-off ball cock DN50
- Steam phase loading shut-off ball cock DN32
Safety system
- VP-6 fire extinguisher in plastic box (2 pcs)
- Safety valve 2" (2 pcs)
- Grounding loop (coil with 15m cable, 2 grounding points on container casing)
- Еlectrostatic shield (1 pc)
- Corken 3" pump unit for CO₂
- electric motor drive
- 300 l/min capacity.
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