Everlast – Hersteller von Tankwagen und Sattelaufliegern

Die Fabrik produziert spezialisierte Straßensattelauflieger, Anhänger sowie Unterbauüberbauten zum Transport von hellen und dunklen Erdölprodukten, Gasen sowie Lebensmittel- und Chemieprodukten.

Unsere Produktion

Everlast ist ein ukrainischer Hersteller, der sich auf die Produktion von spezialisierten Auto-Sattelaufliegern und Anhängern für den Transport von Gas sowie Lebensmittel-, Chemie- und Erdölprodukten spezialisiert hat. Neben der Herstellung von Auto-Anhängern mit vielfältigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten führt das Werk auch Reparaturen an Tanklastwagen in der Ukraine durch.

Ihre Vorteile:

  • Ukrainischer Hersteller
  • Von Everlast hergestellte Ausrüstung entspricht europäischer Qualität
  • Von Everlast hergestellte Ausrüstung erfüllt die Kriterien des ukrainischen Marktes
  • 2 Jahre Herstellergarantie
  • Kundendienstunterstützung nach dem Verkauf
9500 м2
Fläche der Werkstätten
Modelle von Tankwagen in 200 Modifikationen
Anzahl der Tankwagen pro Jahr
Projekten für über 450 Unternehmen
Unser Team
Dmirtiy Kovalenko
Dmirtiy Kovalenko
Serhii Zhebrykov
Leiter der Vertriebsabteilung
Serhii Zhebrykov
Dmitry Mirgorodsky
Vertrieb Ukraine
Dmitry Mirgorodsky
Igor Kovalenko
Einkauf und Vertrieb Europa
Igor Kovalenko
Alexej "Alex" Fedorov
Vertrieb & Marketing Deutschland
Alexej "Alex" Fedorov
Kunden und Partner
UkrEuroMaz LLC
Dnepro-Scan-Service Ltd.
MD Estate LLC
Profiparts LLC
"Long Distance'' LLC
October 17, 2002. The registration of Everlast LLC, a manufacturer of trailer equipment for various purposes. The plant was founded on the basis of repair workshops of a motor transport enterprise.
Manufacturing of the Everlast’s first ever petrol road tanker (February 2003). The first customer was BRSM company.
Everlast introduced an engeneering design which was innovative for Ukraine at that time – a two-volume road tanker. The use of this design allowed Everlast to downgrade the center of gravity of its road tankers, thereby increasing the safety of transportation of dangerous goods.
In 2006, Everlast expanded its product range and produced a road tanker for the transportation of dark oil products.
In 2006, a contract with Galnaftogaz concern (OKKO TM) was signed for the shipment of petrol road tankers; within 2006 - 2008, Everlast shipped over 100 petrol road tankers to the OKKO gas stations.
The first food road tanker was produced; after enjoying a successful presentation at the exhibition, the new road tanker was sold to Allseeds (nowadays – KERNEL agro-industrial company).
While participating in the TIR 2008 international salon of trucks and commercial vehicles, Everlast presented at once several types of tanker semi-trailers: a petrol one, a food one, and a dumper one.
Meanwhile, the Everlast engineering design department introduced another innovation: it replaced the flat road tankers’ bottoms with torospheric ones, what allowed to increase the rigidity of the structure and improve the safety of transportation of dangerous goods in accordance with the ADR requirements.
A number of petrol road tankers was shipped to Ukrpaletsystem (TM UPG) for the first time. In total, within 2010-2015, over 70 petrol and gas road tankers were shipped to UPG.
Everlast and the German Kurt Willig GmbH & Co.KG manufacturer launched a joint project – that is, production of aluminium tanker semi-trailer; that project was developed with German colleagues and was targeted at creating a technically perfect vehicle able to meet the highest demands of corporate customers.
Everlast became the first company in Ukraine to start the production of road semi-trailers to transport liquefied gases (LPG).
Thus, 40% of Everlast's products were exported. In the same year, a joint project with Autobau on the construction of the Everlast’s auto-tractor plant in Russia was implemented.
In meanwhile, the active development of the Ukrainian agrarian sector stimulated Everlast to expand its agrarian sector products’ range production. The plant produced its first-ever anhydrous ammonia tanker semi-trailers, successfully purchased by OSTCHEM, a well-known Ukrainian holding after having had been presented at the Agro 2014 exhibition.
Growth of demand for the Ukrainian domestic market’s liquefied gas stimulated a corresponding change in the Everlast products’ range production: thus, the plant enlarged the share of the road LPG semi-trailers in its total production, with the road LPG semi-trailers having started to be ordered by the Ukrainian domestic LPG market’s biggest operators.
Everlast updated its products’ range with new lightweight aluminum tanker semi-trailers which met the Ukravtodor requirements.
Everlast assured the production of its 100th in succession gas road tanker; thus, the plant produced in total 100 gas road tankers within 3 years.
2019 could be definitely called the year of bitumen road tankers: that year, Everlast produced over 50 new bitumen semi-trailer tankers for the bitumen transportation and storage. Besides, 2019 became the most successful year in the company’s history.